dynamic touch
"Because you only get one body!"

Dynamic Touch Massage is dedicated to the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance!
Based in Loveland, Colorado, Dynamic Touch Massage was started in 2009 by
Ja`red Wheeler, formerly a collegiate athlete, Personal Trainer, Licensed & Certified Massage Therapist & Orthomyologic Therapist.
Our entire team is committed to meeting the unique and individualized needs of our clients. We are proud of the percentage of repeat customers and referrals we have and rate our success on these factors. At Dynamic Touch we excel because first and foremost we care about people and enjoy being able to help them where others have failed. We live the 1life1body mantra, and educate our clients as to why taking care of their one body should be a top priority!
We understand that your health is a top priority. . .
At Dynamic Touch our goal is to provide unique, therapeutic experience that delivers lasting results. Geared towards working with our clients, we use specialized techniques to tune their bodies to achieve their optimum potential. We achieve this by tailoring various professional modalities to meet each individual's needs. Our approach to muscular dysfunction exceeds the benefits of your typical massage, allowing everyone from stay-at-home moms to world class athletes to enhance their lives in a natural and healthy manner. We use Muscular Realignment, rather than massage to educate and enlighten those who are unaware of its numerous healing and functional properties, which range from decreasing injury and recovery time to improving daily posture and range of motion. We will also be adding personal training to our available services in the near future to further our mission and vision of helping our clients live life to its fullest in the healthiest capacity possible!
About Ja`red. . .

Originally from Washington D.C., Ja`red specializes in Orthomyologic Manipulation and Muscular Realignment. Having been a life-long athlete, he is well suited to bolster and embrace Health and Wellness. Ja`red is adept at planning for the needs of clients:
He empathizes, and can translate their needs into
treatment plans to achieve long and short term health goals. He also believes that improved health & wellness through massage, allows clients to feel a sense of empowerment. Ja`red holds Associate Degrees in Therapeutic Massage and from the National Strength & Conditioning Association for Personal Training.
Here is what he had to say about being an Orthopedic Manipulation Therapist:
“I’m energized by new challenges; I constantly strive to improve so it's natural that I want the same for clients. When it comes to my education, I’m not afraid to go the extra mile. While the foundation of my training (AOS Degree) was received in Fort Collins (Institute of Business & Medical Careers),
I chose (Boulder College of Massage Therapy) for my specialization in
Orthopedic & Sports Massage because they were simply the best option.
Often referred to as the Harvard of Massage schools, it challenged me to really apply myself, but I learned so much and I couldn't be happier with the results!
I've spent over 4000 hours volunteering at various community events as well as countless hours practicing on friends/family and use that to make myself the best I can be. I've worked with clients with conditions ranging from TMJ/Migraines to Fibromyalgia, sports enhancement and injury rehab.
It's amazing what massage can do! Not only for sore muscles, but headaches, back pain, injury rehab, TMJ and for everyday life! Postural assessments, strength testing, ROM testing (Range of Motion) are all part of the Dynamic Touch difference.
Let our Therapeutic massage change your life!"